Steam Engine™ | 14 Inch 7mm glass bong with stickers by golden crown


The bong measures a compact 14 inches in height and comes with a removable glass breakout with a bong bowl. The bong is equipped with a sturdy, flat base for additional control of your strokes. This beaker bong is easy to use and will last for years if cleaned and cared for. We recommend using a metal strainer in the bowl to prevent unwanted ash or debris from getting into the bongs water.

They come in 6 Different Colors: Black, Blue, Green, Topaz, White and Smile Green.

  • Size : 14"
  • Glass Thickness : 7 mm
  • Tube : 2"
  • 3 Pinched Ice Catcher
  • Extra thick bottom
  • Comes with Steam Engine sticker

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