BudJuice - Grow 2-14-0 Organic Fertilizer Bone Meal based Phosphorus
100% all Natural & Organic Plant Nutrients
Keep your soil organically enriched for the remainder of the growing season.
This formula is incredibly easy to dose. Just mix 1 tablespoon into your soil for each inch of pot diameter. This is designed to be used when transplanting your plants in the growth phase. On average the product can be used on 4 pots for the grow cycle.
- Rich in Phosphorus
- Rich in Calcium
- Rich in Magnesium
- Rich in Nitrate
- Deep green leaves - Promotes Microbial Growth - Perfect for indoor growing
- Perfect for all stages of growth
- Accelerated growth - Zero harmful additive
- Overall healthier disease resistant plant - naturally higher yields and overall value
- Increased potency’s - Larger number of flowers