The Classic Power Hitter

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  • Since the Power Hitter is virtually unbreakable, you can literally toss it across the room -giving new meaning to ‘Puff, puff pass!’
  • Concerned about germs? ThePower Hitter blasts a steady stream of smoke directly into your mouth (or nose) with no contact on the mouthpiecerequired, making it is seemingly one of the most sanitary ways you can smoke a pre-roll.
  • Avoid burn holes to your bed, clothes and your skin. Since the Power Hitter is a totally selfcontained unit, you won’t have to worry about ashes or hot embers ever again
  • Stop wasting your material. Since the Power Hitter bottle captures 100% of the smoke, there’s zero waste – which means the only smoke you’re putting in the environment is coming from your lungs

    How to use it - 3 Easy Steps
    • Simply insert a lit smoke into the special holder in the cap
    • Screw it on and find the air hole.
    • Cover it with your finger and just "Grip It and Rip It!"

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