Pure Hemp Classic 1 1/4 Size Cones Box of 30

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The product being described is a box of pre-rolled cones for smoking. The cones are 1 1/4 size, which means they are slightly larger than the standard size for pre-rolled cones. Each cone is 83 mm long, which includes a 26 mm tip. The cones are all natural and additive-free, and they are suitable for vegans.

The box contains 6 cones per pack, and there are 30 packs in total, so there are 180 cones in the box. The cones come with a paper loader, which can be used to help fill them.

Finally, the cones feature a patented spiral wrap, which likely means that they are designed to burn more evenly and slowly than traditional pre-rolled cones..
  • 1 1/4 size Cone (83 mm long including a 26 mm tip)
  • 6 Cones per pack
  • 30 Pack per box
  • All Natural, Additive-Free, 100% Vegan
  • Paper loader included
  • Patented spiral wrap

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