Canadian Lumber has released a new tray in our line of branded trays: the all-new Lil' Red Rolling Tray. This second smaller Lil' Red fits perfectly on top of our larger trays gently sliding allowing you to add a second tier to your storage and cannabis accessories collection!
Tired of getting your supplies mixed up? Need a second section in your existing rolling tray?! Look no further Canadian Lumber has created the ultimate mini rolling tray. This Lil' Red rolling tray has Canadian Lumbers big axes and bold colouring pulled from our nation's flag, mirroring the BIG Red released a year prior. The Lil'Red will fit in most standard medium-sized rolling trays allowing you to add this to your collection no matter the brand.
Like our other trays, the Lil' Red Tray is 100% tin and dishwasher-safe. The rounded corners with additional height make getting every last crumb that much easier while keeping the mess inside.

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