Gotoke | Quartz Banger With Carb Cap

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Gotoke 90 Degrees Terp Slurper Banger Kit with Spinner Carb Cap and Terp Pearls

This terp slurper banger is constructed using heat-resistant quartz glass, able to withstand temperatures up to 1100℃. The Spinner Carb Cap helps keep vapor temperatures low, ensuring maximum flavor extraction from your concentrates. Enjoy a truly elevated dabbing experience.

Package including:
  • 1 x 90 Degree Quartz Flat Top Banger
  • 1 x Spinner Carb Cap
  • 2 x Terp Pearls

How to clean this terp slurper banger kit?
  1. Put the quartz dab banger,2 terp pearls, and spinner carb cap into a storage bag.
  2. Pour the alcohol of 70% concentration or higher into the storage bag, together with some coarser salt.
  3. Shake up the storage bag until the water changes to a dirty brown.

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